A new Sunday Mass schedule and new schedules for Religious Education will go into effect on September 8. Please read this article for important information about the new schedules.
We will honor Monsignor's 40th Anniversary as a priest the weekend of June 29th and 30th. Please consider giving your time, talent or treasure to celebrate the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
In celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Ordination to the Priesthood of Reverend Monsignor Eddie Tolentino, III, Pastor Saint Michael the Archangel Parish, we announce a weekend of celebration, June 29 & 30.
Thank you to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2024 Annual Appeal. As of June 11, we have reached 51% of our parish goal of $97,000 with 154 parishioners participating.
Please join us in expressing our gratitude and best wishes to Father Carlos on Sunday, June 23rd, at the Church Plaza after the 10AM and 1PM Masses. Light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you.
The Family Room is now open for use during Mass. Located adjacent to the Sanctuary, the Family Room provides a comfortable setting for parents to participate in the Mass and other worship services with their children.