Wednesday, November 1, is All Saints' Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Vigil Mass will be celebrated in English at 7PM on Tuesday, October 31. On Wednesday, Mass will be celebrated at 8AM and Noon in English and at 7PM in Spanish.
Please help complete the financing of our restored pews by making a donation. As of August 31, 2023, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to $42,211 through your generosity.
Join us for #iGiveCatholic on #GivingTuesday, November 28th! Did you know that #iGiveCatholic is the first-ever day of Catholic giving in our nation? It’s a special day for us to give back and give thanks to the organizations that shape our souls.
St. Michael the Archangel's Evangelization Committee seeks volunteers to do telephone outreach to all registered parishioner households. The time commitment is approximately 2-3 hours twice per year.
The Knights of Columbus Box of Joy program continues through Sunday, November 5. Please pick up boxes and brochures from the church vestibule and deliver the completed boxes to the return box in the church vestibule by Sunday, November 5.
We are most appreciative of the kindness and generosity shown during our Michaelmas 2023 celebration. Whether you moved tables and chairs, created centerpieces, decorated the room, emptied trash, cooked food, served food, entertained, purchased raffle tickets, participated in a service activity, the novena or liturgy, or just showed up for fellowship and a good time, we were so glad to see you! Thank you! Gracias! Merci!
Thank you to all our parishioners who have made their gift to the 2023 Annual Appeal. As of September 29, St. Michael the Archangel Parish has reached 52% of our parish goal of $92,400.
Please help complete the financing of our restored pews by making a donation. As of July 31, 2023, the original $127,100 expense has been reduced to $43,697 through your generosity.