While you were gone, we restored the pews. Will you help us fund the cost for this project? No amount is too small—even just one dollar goes a long way.
Due to renovation of the floor tiles in the side entrance, the handicap entrance to the church will be closed starting tomorrow 6/18/21 until further notice.
Congratulations to the parishioners who completed the three year Growing in Faith & Discipleship Adult Faith Formation Program in Spanish at St. Michael the Archangel. May the Lord bless you abundantly and guide you as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.
On Monday, June 14,2021, work will begin on the vestibule floors. All entrances to the front of the church and access to the bathroom will be closed off. Please use the handicap accessible entrance only until further notice.
Jacquelyn (Jackye) E. Flowers of Silver Spring, MD, departed this life on Thursday, June 3, 2021. Friends and relatives may call at St. Michael the Archangel Church, 805 Wayne Avenue, Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 9- 10 am where a Memorial Mass will be celebrated at 10 am.
Cardinal Gregory and the Bishops of the Province of Baltimore have jointly announced that the dispensation of the Sunday and Holy Day Mass obligation will be lifted beginning on Saturday, June 26, 2021 and Sunday, June 27, 2021.