On the weekend of May 4 & 5, our parish will participate in a special collection to commemorate the centennial celebration of the First Mass being celebrated inside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. For generations, America's Catholic Church has served as the heart of spiritual comfort in our nation's Capital for locals, visitors, and pilgrims.
This National Shrine was built by and for the faithful of our country, in honor of our Blessed Mother, the patroness of the United States. Since 1924, more than 800,000 Masses and more than 7,000 Ordinations to the Priesthood have been celebrated in the National Shrine.
Please help to preserve Mary's Shrine for generations to come and honor our Blessed Mother through your generous gift to her shrine. We will have special envelopes available or you can visit adw.org/Shrine100 to make a contribution.