Vitality: Administration
Ministry: Building & Grounds Committee
Ministry Leader (Parishioner): Charles Hayes
Ministry Leader Contact Information: [email protected]
Meeting Date and Time: Quarterly on weekdays – daytime and evening
Meeting Location: Marian Room
The Building & Grounds Committee supports the maintenance and improvements of the physical plant of the church, rectory and offices, parish center and the Romero Center. While the contracting authority resides with the pastor, the Committee prepares requests for proposals, evaluates proposals, makes a recommendation for award of contract, and monitors progress of a contract. Past major projects have included the replacement of the flat roof of the parish center, the replacement of church gutters, reglazing of the church windows, and replacement of church door hardware. The Committee invites participation by parishioners with expertise in the building trades, particularly HVAC. Meetings are quarterly.
Building & Grounds Committee Action Items from the Strategic Plan 2021:
Objective 4.2: To sustain and enhance the financial and physical health of the parish.
a The Committee will educate the Parish Council and parishioners on the capital improvement needs of the parish facilities.
b. The Committee will maintain and submit quarterly the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) to the Pastor and Parish Finance Council. Within the CIP, the committee will estimate costs, commencing with those of highest priority.
c. The Committee will support the creation of the annual capital budget for improvements of the parish’s buildings and grounds.
d. The Committee will prepare a before-and-after photo log of completed capital projects for posting on the parish web site.